DVPP Demo Site
This site gives you an idea of the possibilities of the WordPress Divisional theme we provide along with instructions on how to use each feature. Whether it is creating and modifying profiles, changing menus, or making your pages private to groups of people our theme provides a robust set of features and options.
We are constantly enhancing our theme. View the changelog to see what was added in the most recent update.
Where Do I Start?
WordPress General Administration
We recommend watching the LinkedIn Learning series on using WordPress 5, especially if you are new to using WordPress or have not used it in awhile. WordPress 5 introduced the Gutenberg Block Editor, which is quite different from the classic editor. Please note, these videos are general and not specific to our theme or suite of plug-ins.
- LinkedIn Learning – WordPress Essential Training (specifically sections 2. Content Management and onward)
- LinkedIn Learning – WordPress Essential Training: Site Administration (for advanced site configurations)
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