The link list includes links to internal or external content that you add in the “Links” menu item. It allows you to associate iconography with links to give a better visual representation to your viewers.
Enabling the Plugin
To use Link Lists, you need to Activate the “U of T Link List” plugin on the plugins page.
How to Use Link Lists
In order to place a link list on your site, you must first have Links. Links can be created by clicking the Links > Add New menu item in the Admin area of WordPress once you activate the plugin.
After you have your links and you associate those links with a “link group“, you can go to the page you want to insert the links on and click the Add Block button at the top of the editing window and clock the “Icon Link List” item.

Options / Configuration

Link lists come with a myriad options. You can select the group of links you want to place, the number of columns, from 1 to 6 columns, you want to show the links in, the layout of the link items, the icon colours, the font weight for the links and the background colour of the links themselves. Play around with the options and see them live update in the editing window.