
Hosting with the Division of the Vice-President and Provost means your data and site are safe and secure in our hands. You handle the content of your site, and we will make sure it stays online. If you have questions or concerns regarding your site in terms of performance, plug-ins, etc., send us an email at to open a ticket request. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Updates are performed automatically for the core and plugins every Tuesday and Thursday at 5am and conclude at around 8:30am. Between those times there may be service interruption. We encourage site administrators to do a quick check of their websites following updates.


Database backups and incremental file backups are taken nightly. Should you ever overwrite or delete a file accidentally, we can always retrieve it given enough time and patience.

WordPress also allows you to restore previous versions of pages on your own.

For more information, please see our FAQ.