There are a number of Page Settings available to use while editing a page.
Status & Visibility
You can set the page/post visibility in the settings.

Public – Use this option if you wish for your page to be visible.
Private – Use this option if the page needs to be taken down temporarily, or is to be published at a different time.
Password Protected – Use this for further protection than Private.
Generally, only the Default template should be used. In special circumstances, it may be useful to use Blank Header & Footer.
Here, you can view previous versions of the page, and if necessary, restore. This is useful if content was accidentally deleted from a page, etc.
You can change the URL slug, AKA, the ending part of a URL. The URL slug should be set to something descriptive, and must not contain spaces. Only include the string of text that will follow the page location.
eg. URLslug will append after the front slash in
This has a simple toggle to allow comments on the page or not. This is off by default.
Page Attributes
Here, you can set the parent of the current page to another. This is useful for nesting pages within one another. For example, the page, Page Features, has Page Settings set as its parent page. This creates the breadcrumb layout you see below.

You can control the order of the nested pages by setting an Order number. If you give each page the order of 0, these will be displayed alphabetically.

You can add a slideshow that automatically moves from image to image to the top of the page by toggling on this option. This can be used alongside Featured Image, though that will likely take up more space at the top of the page than is practical.
Click Add to gallery to open the media library and add images to your slideshow. These will appear in the Slides section. You can reorder by dragging and delete by hovering of the image until the ‘x’ appears.
You can also arrange using the Bulk actions drop down menu at the bottom.
SEO Features
You can prevent Google from indexing a given page by toggling noindex on. This only applies to future searches.
Page Features
For Anchors, Bootstrap Tables, Show Breadcrumbs, Hide Page Title & Featured Image, Full Width Page, and Private Content, please visit Page Features.