Your U of T Resource Finder
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1.1.0 November 15, 2018

  1. The ability to toggle the “Feeling Distressed” button next to search.  You can now go into “Customize” in the admin bar (black bar at the top) and click “Feeling Distressed” in the left column to choose if you want the feeling distressed button displayed for your site. UTC has confirmed that the “Feeling Distressed” button is now optional.
  2. A menu location has been added under the search button.  To add the new menu, click “Appearance” > “Menus” area in the WordPress backend and assign it to the “Utility Menu” location.
  3. We are moving to a new authentication plugin.
    1. After installation, you will be able to login to without entering a redirect loop.
    2. U of T roles (staff, student, faculty, alumni, and postdoc [coming soon]) will be added to users upon successful login.
    3. You can continue to limit access to pages / forms based on user role.
  4. We will be removing the plugins “WordPress Access Control” and “Members” as these features are now baked into the theme.  If you are using these plugins to secure pages / forms, please update your pages after this update.